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Taking a closer look at data skillsets

We recently published a post including our take on the Data Scientist Development Pathway. And while that post did highlight various skills over a range of data analytics roles, we thought it would be worth making some more specific call-outs on the types of tools, language, technique and methods data analytics professionals commonly leverage.

Data science roles and skills within your organization

The rapid growth in data science has bought with it an explosion in related roles and job titles. Not only that, but as the career ages, so too are the distinctions of seniority and experience for those in data related roles.

Advanced analytics for leadership

Successful use of advanced analytics is not only up to the data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. Leadership have a crucial role to play in providing the correct guidance and influence to their data analytics teams. Ensuring they remain focused on identifying and solving problems which are most leveraging to creating and maintaining a competitive advantage over their peers.

What is a Citizen Data Scientist?

You don't need to be a Data Scientist or have Data Scientists in your organization to start leveraging advanced analytics. In-fact, Gartner has even gone as far as defining the role of a 'Citizen Data Scientist', but what does that mean exactly?

Empower your organization with open source analytical tools

Even if you are just starting to dip your toe into data science, one term you may have already come across is 'open source'. And for good reason, as open source development is a big part of what has proliferated technologies like the internet across the world. But what does open source mean for data science?

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